Kweichow Moutai’s market cap tops 2 trillion yuan

Kweichow Moutai achieved impressive financial results in 2022, with total revenue of 128 billion yuan and a net profit of 62 billion yuan. 

Photo by Fan Jianlei

Photo by Fan Jianlei

By FU Chong


Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. is establishing two industry development funds - Moutai Zhaohua and Moutai Jinshi – the baijiu maker’s first foray into the world of investment funds. The total commitment for the two funds is 10 billion yuan (US$1.4 billion), with an initial contribution of 4 billion yuan. 

Kweichow Moutai achieved impressive financial results in 2022, with total revenue of 128 billion yuan and a net profit of 62 billion yuan. 

Exports made of 4.2 billion yuan. Looking ahead, Kweichow Moutai aims to reach 10 billion yuan in sales with their “Moutai 1935” series. 

In terms of expansion, Moutai has opened an ice cream store and launched “iMaotai, an online store. Production expansion plans include a technical renovation project for Moutai liquor and the construction of support facilities. 

The establishment of industry development funds reflects a strategic approach to creating value for shareholders and meeting market demands. With strong financial performance and ambitious goals, Kweichow Moutai continues to solidify its position as the leading player in the industry.