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参与此次活动的瑞士音乐家 Claude Diallo 带来了迷人的爵士钢琴秀,并同邓璐博士分享了关于爵士乐的发展以及自身对爵士的热爱。

  • 我十三岁时,决定成为一名爵士乐钢琴家。

激情、快乐、爱、生活,是Claude Diallo音乐世界的关键字。这个才华横溢的音乐家,从小就与音乐结上了深深的缘分。

Claude Diallo的父母都是专业音乐家,他的童年几乎是在父母工作的歌剧院提供的临时育婴室里度过的。音乐的种子,正是从那里开始在 Claude Diallo心田种下。

“这样的成长方式很有趣,伴随音乐长大。”Claude Diallo回忆道,“我对爵士乐的真正热爱始于我十二岁。那时,我的一位了不起的古典钢琴老师,告诉我世界上有一种音乐叫爵士乐,这激发了我的好奇心,并最终引导我走进了爵士乐的世界。”

Claude Diallo“爆料”,自己那时候因为太过沉迷店里的爵士乐CD而忘记按时回家,父母担心不已,甚至最后报了警去寻找他! 那时候的他,真正明确了自己对爵士乐的爱。

Dr. Deng:


Do you think it's kind of rebellion spirit of you because you're educated or you're more influenced by the parents of classic music?

Claude Diallo:


Yeah, I agree. I mean it's another path exactly. Yeah. When I was thirteen,I clearly understood that I have a talent in music.


And my mother always supported me from the beginning and my father was very skeptical at first,and it took him like until I was maybe twenty,that he approved and said, okay, now understand it's okay. I accept your choice.

Claude Diallo受爵士乐钢琴家Oscar Peterson(奥斯卡·彼得森)的影响,深深地爱上了爵士乐。他勤练爵士乐十年,23岁申请到奖学金去波士顿,到伯克利音乐学院开始学习,并获得了音乐表演学士学位。

2018年回瑞士之前, Claude Diallo一直在纽约进修和演奏,并于2008年获得了女皇学院Aaron Copland音乐学校的硕士学位。如今,他常受邀到世界各地演出,广受喜爱。

  • 全世界的爵士乐仍在继续。


然而,在Claude Diallo 的家乡瑞士,年轻的观众对这种音乐不太感兴趣,观众平均年龄是60岁以上。相反的是,中国的很多二三十来岁的年轻人喜欢爵士,愿意来听音乐会。

Dr. Deng:


How do you think the big gap difference?

Claude Diallo:




I think in Switzerland there is only a minority of people interested in listening to Jazz and young people in Switzerland they consider Jazz something old and like dusty, when you say the word jazz they think of black and white movie,like kind of their grandparents time to yet.So they're not really into that that much.

And the old people there's audience of all people in Switzerlandwho enjoyed this music while they were young.So for them it brings back memories。

But here in China and as I understoodthere was a big Jazz scene in Shanghai until around 1930 or something. And so the whole generation from 1930 to now didn't have a chance to really indulge in this music.That explains why the young peoplereally they are thrilled by this music people like。

在 Claude Diallo 看来,瑞士在发展爵士乐和吸引年轻观众方面比较弱,但像中国、日本,甚至是俄罗斯、意大利等国家的年轻人,就很热爱爵士乐,而且爱得很疯狂。


  • 我真的无法想象没有爵士乐的生活。

爵士乐就像 Claude Diallo 的血液,流淌进他的生命中。无爵士,不快乐。

Dr. Deng:


We found you are so much attached to this form of music,The jazz. So how do you think that maybe you want to and reach out more people embrace more peopleto let them feel the same attachment as you?

Claude Diallo:

我亲爱的老朋友和导师安迪·麦基去世了,就是在去年去世时候他已经90岁了,他在电话里问我的最后一件事是 我什么时候回瑞士跟你一起演奏。


My dear old friend and mentor, Andy McKee, he passed away,I think last year,forgot when, but he was ninety years old.And the last thing he told me on the phone was when do I come back to Switzerland to play with you.

So it means like he was ninety and he could still play.
